Strange problem for Total Adblock users

Some users having Total Adblock installed on their devices reported a very strange problem: the Choralplayer box where one can enter the “ads-stop” code was not visible, as if Total Adblock were blocking the ads-stop code box in addition to the ads. As a consequence, users where unable to the enter the ads-stop code and use Choralplayer normally.

The solution to this problem is to whitelist the Choralplayer website on the Total Adblock settings. The relevant procedure is described here. After you whitelist the Choralplayer website the box to enter the ads-stop code is displayed, so you can enter the code and obtain that Choralplayer is displayed without any ads.

An ads-stop code is automatically provided via email when a donation to Choralia is made. Please read this post if you don’t receive the ads-stop code after having made a donation.

An alternative solution is to use another ad-blocker. So far, Total Adblock appears to be the only ad-blocker showing this problem, and hopefully new releases of Total Adblock will be fixed.